Monday, August 30, 2010

Why I will not join the boycott of Target.

Day after day I get invitations and see post about the boycott of Target. I, personally like Target and have shopped there for years. Not because of their 100% with the HRC Corporate Equality Index (To be honest I had no idea they were even on the list) but because I am a consumer who wants a good quality product for a great value. The fact that Target was on the HRC CEI was really just a lucky bonus. I always want to do my best to support the LGBT community and there are some companies that I will not support because of their poor treatment of the us. To this day I still will not go to a Cracker Barrel even though they have changed their practices. When I heard about the boycott I decided to do a little digging. Mostly I find articles written by people that are for the boycott and it makes Target sound like some monster. Here is the gist of it.
Minnesota-based retailers Target and Best Buy, among others, contributed a combined $250,000 to MN Forward, an independent expenditure committee advocating for the election of a strident opponent of LGBT equality as the state’s next governor. The same candidate sings the praises of a Christian rock band that advocates violence and death to gays. The state’s next governor will have the opportunity to either sign or veto legislation allowing for marriage equality in the North Star State.
This is from an article written by Zack Pesavento on the HRC website. What I could not find is this particular politician's views on business and expansion in their state. Perhaps this person wants to pass legislation that would help larger business in the state of Minnesota. We need to keep in mind that Target is first and foremost a business. They need to do what is best for the company and the stockholders They have made a work environment that is obviously outstanding. if it wasn't I doubt they would have gotten that 100% on that CEI rating. There is just one section called GLBT Marketing, sponsorship, or philanthropy that I could tell this donation may fall under. The whole section is just worth 15 points but I would think they would loose only 5 points for this donation. A 95% still seems good to me.
In short, I really think we are being far too hard on Target. We act like they are rounding up their LGBT employees, taking them out to a field and shooting them. Really? Why can't we just put on our big girl panties and realize that we are not the center of the universe. There are other things that a business has to think about. If in this post there are facts that I have gotten wrong or information I am not aware of please let me know. My mind is open...I hope yours is as well.

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