Sunday, July 18, 2010

Scared little bear at the Dinosaur Resource Center.

Follow little bear and Snuggle on their travels.

Well, I had thought that my phone was posting all these updates but I see that I was wrong. So, here are photos from the first couple of days to Colorado.

Leaving Amarillo Tx and enjoying some fine dining for breakfast.

We got to Dalhart Tx and stopped at the XIT Museum. Yawn....

Well hello Colorado. Here I am in beautiful Trinidad!

Leaving Trinidad and on our way to Colorado Springs.

We got to Colorado Springs and are staying in one of your better La Quintas. I think that is Spanish for GIVE ME MY DAMN KEY CARD!

Had dinner at the Caspian Cafe and were treated to the world's oldest belly dancer. I tried to take photos of her but she was so old she wouldn't show up on film.

Much more to come!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

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STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies - #40

Fantastic movie!!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Break Up

LOL...Kathy, I love ya! It is clear that she has learned all of her drama from gay men.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Currently watching - Two Mules for Sister Sarah

Currently watching - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Always a favorite. I like to watch this movie once or twice a year. This final scene always makes me cry. Amazing acting from an outstanding cast. It is a relevant now as it was then...just for another group of people.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

g-Spout - Years Best New Kitchen Tool for Pouring and Straining

OK...this is a great concept and I actually want one...or two. However, the name HAS to be changed. I mean really...the G Spout?????

Teacher's double life as a stripper | News

Now why couldn't I have had a hot teacher like this when I was in school. Wait a minute...there was one or two, but for the most part they were all older women.

“It never affected my work with the kids but I realize it makes my position at the school very difficult. I have received supportive messages from the students and I'm upset I didn't to say goodbye to them.”

Read the story here.
Teacher's double life as a stripper | News

Friday, July 9, 2010

Currently watching - The Great Race.

For an evening of laughs you can't do better than The Great Race.This is yet another film that I first saw when I was a youngster and since then I have been looking for the perfect pie fight. Blake Edwards is a genius!

The best pie fight ever!

The age old gay question: Hairy or Smooth?

When I was younger I was not a big fan of furry guys. I have always liked muscles (the more the better) but I thought that body hair hid the muscle. I am not sure when the tide turned but as I was looking at these photos, I really perfered the body hair on every one. I am still a pushover for muscles though. LOL

Check out Flickr user ttyyttyy555 his work is amazing!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Taste of Dallas

FINALLY!!!!! The Taste of Dallas has been moved to Fair park, most importantly inside. I have not been to the Taste of Dallas in years because it was always in July outside at the West End. Um...hello...this is Dallas. It is hot in the summer.

Taste of Dallas

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Greatest American Hero Intro

OK...I am feeling old. Syfy channel is running a Greatest American Hero marathon this 4th of July weekend. Bart didn't know what it was, so I looked it up and it was on from 1981 to 1983. He wasn't even born yet.
I loved this it is just so cheesy!!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Work begins on Lower Greenville restaurants gutted by fire | | Dallas - Fort Worth Local News

I am so happy to hear that they are going to preserve the facade of these buildings. It is so beautiful and here in Dallas we so easily throw away anything we consider old. 

 Four months after a massive fire on Lower Greenville gutted out four popular restaurants and bars and left hundreds without a job, work has begun on a new beginning for the Dallas strip.
Crews were on site Thursday to begin the task of hauling away the debris, which was estimated to take about a week.
The facade of the building, which was built in 1911, will remain. Terilli's Italian Restaurant and Bar could open its doors as early as January.

Go to WFAA for the full story.

STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies - #38

TGIF and TOQATM. The greatest way to wrap up a week is with The Tired Old Queen at the Movies. This week Steve is serving up the classic horror flick from 1951, The Thing.
Scientist at an Arctic research station discover a spacecraft buried in the ice. Upon closer examination, they discover the frozen pilot. All hell breaks loose when they take him back to their station and he is accidentally thawed out!
Now I am not a big fan of the horror genre but Steve has the uncanny ability to convince me that I will love a movie. Looks like I will be renting The Thing.

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