Friday, August 26, 2011

Should I laugh or should I cry?

I am shocked and amazed at the way people act. Or to be more concise they way one person will treat another person with no regard to their feelings. I have not been out on a date or even really hooked up or met anyone in a very long time. Considering my track record I am a bit gun shy. But, there was this guy on Bear411 who had been pushing for quite some time saying how hot he thought I am and how much he wanted to meet me. I kept making excuses but he finally wore me down and I let him know he could come over this evening.
Now I want to stress again how he kept telling me he though i was hot. I just recently posted a few photos from last weekend that my friend, Grant took of me. and he started calling me a hot muscle bear. Now, I will take some complements but I am far from a muscle bear. I told him that I am just a short, fat little bear with very little muscle. This is the way I usually describe myself. I don't try to be something I am not.
So, I see him pull up and start walking to the door and I was absolutely sick to my stomach. I was so nervous. I go to answer the door and open it and the smile that was on his face is gone in an instant. I said hello and invited him in and he hesitated. I ask if there was something wrong and he said "I'm sorry, I need to go." I ask again what was wrong and he said "You just are not what I expected." I suddenly see spots before my eyes and hear a loud buzzing in my ears. I said "I'm sorry, but my pics are very recent and I described myself. I am just a short, fat little bear." He looked at me and said "You didn't say you were THAT FAT!"
I am not exactly sure what happened next. I might have punched him or that might have just been in my head. I just know that after a bit I realized I was sitting on my couch alone staring at a wall. I am not sure how long I had been sitting like that. but my dog was looking at me like she was worried. I am strangely unemotional about this right now. I just feel empty. Needless to say, I don't want to go through with that again any time soon.
I really can't believe I am sharing this on my blog. I think I wanted to share the experience because it seems so unreal. I would never treat someone that way. Unbelievable. LOL

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