Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meeting Jane Lynch

Jane Lynch was doing a book signing for her new book Happy Accidents. I was very excited to meet her in person and I actually thought it would be much more exciting than meeting Meridith Baxter. The wait was not tool long and there were not as many people there and Barns and Noble thought there would be so i was very happy about that. When Jane came out she did a 10 minute Q&A and then started signing books. they were trying to keep the line moving so you couldn't really pose for a pic but they did have people there to take a photo of her signing her book. When i got up to her She said hello and started signing away. What she didn't do was shake hands. That immediately made me feel like there was a wall. between us. I totally got the feeling that she wanted the public to stay on that side of the table and she would stay on hers and never the twain should meet. All in all it was blah. Meredith Baxter wins hands down. she was so sweet and open. Oh well...

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