Tuesday, October 18, 2011

NOH8 Dallas Photo Shoot

I am a little late on posting this but as many of my blog readers are also Facebook friends you have seen and heard about my fantastic experience helping out with the NOH8 Campaign Dallas photo shoot. About a week before the shoot I happened to notice they wanted volunteers so I emailed them my info and a few days later heard that they got quite a response and they would let me know if I would be needed. At this point I was sure that I had volunteered too late but they then sent an email asking if people were available all day (from 11:15am till sometime after 8pm) or 2 shorter shifts. Well, I figure if you are going to do it go all in so I responded that I could do it all day. I am so glad I did! I got the conformation that I was in the A-Team and would be working all day.
So, Sunday morning I was up early (not actually my choice) and by 10:45 I was at the shoot. Once we were all assembled they started assigning post. some worked outside getting people signed up and answering questions, while others were inside getting people prepped with the NOH8 tattoo. Then there was a group who would take payments, a person to get emails for people to join the NOH8 Campaign online and a group working the merchandise table. I totally lucked out and was put in charge of the line leading up to the actual shoot. I felt like a sheep dog trying to get people to form a line that would snake it's way to the front. The best part of working at this point was I got to see every photo being taken and I was able to take photos as well. I also go to meet every person in line. Once people got to the end of the line they handed over their paperwork and got the duct tape over their mouth and then it was photo time.
During the shoot there was a live, streaming web feed that I was on most of the day. So, if you tuned in a saw a fat guy in a red shirt dancing around I apologize. It wasn't pretty. lol
The entire experience was fantastic! There were well over 100 people in line when we started letting people come in at 1pm and everyone seemed to be in really good spirits. At the end of the day Dallas had beat the record for the largest turnout at 842. We also had the most volunteers of any shoot.

To see all the photos I took click here.
Be sure to watch this news clip. Thanks WFAA Channel 8!

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