Friday, June 24, 2011

Currently Watching - The Natural (1984)

This is another one of those movies that I have never seen but always hear so many good things about it. I never thought I would like it because I am not a fan of baseball or baseball movies or sport movies for that matter. When I started watching it I wondered how long I would make it till I was ready to turn it off and it was really, pretty soon. However, it was not because the movie was bad it was because it had one of my all time least favorite actresses ruining it for me. Barbara Hershey has to be the most overrated actress ever. I don't know how she got so many good movie rolls. She sounds like she just reads her lines and on top of that she is one of the most unattractive women to appear on the silver screen. That being said, she is only in the very beginning of the movie and thank god the wonderful Glen Close makes up for any bad taste that that nasty Hershey bar left in my mouth. Once I got past the beginning I really got into it. Robert Redford is fantastic as always playing basically the same person that he did in most of his movies which is a version of himself. At the end I was routing for him and was totally into the game. I can see why it has become an iconic sport film. 

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