Friday, April 15, 2011

Think Pink!

This J Crew bruhaha has me so pissed. You know what? I think that I am going to go get some pink polish and paint my toes. We should all do it.  I am starting the Think Pink movement! If you do, please send me your photos. I would love to see them.
Making certain things go with certain genders has always bothered me. I was a little boy who loved tea parties and My Pretty Ponies and I don't ever remember a time when my family acted like that was strange. The fact that they let me play with these things didn't TURN me gay. Actually, it made me feel more secure in myself. At that young age I didn't know I liked guys. I just liked pretty ponies. LOL.
If you want a great example of things being given a gender just turn on HGTV. You would think that in such a gay friendly network we wouldn't have to worry about gender rolls but they are always talking about masculine leather chairs and dark masculine colors and the feminine lines of a table and the "girly" pinky-peach on the walls. Get over it! A hells angel who bangs 20 women a day can still like a bedroom with pink walls and Loui XVI style furniture.
I really hope that the little boy in the ad has been spared this stupid media blitz that came out of something so harmless.

Think pink! think pink! when you shop for summer clothes.
Think pink! think pink! if you want that quel-que chose.
Red is dead, blue is through,
Green's obscene, brown's taboo.
And there is not the slightest excuse for plum or puce
or chartreuse.
Think pink! forget that Dior says black and rust.
Think pink! who cares if the new look has no bust.
Now, I wouldn't presume to tell a woman
what a woman oughtta think,
But tell her if she's gotta think: think pink.

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